The Jaspers Family Foundation Fund of Worth County held its 2023 grant awards celebration at the Worth County Extension Office on January 11, announcing the distribution of $46,073 to 9 projects of organizations serving Worth County through its 2023 grant cycle.
“The Jaspers family’s generosity and legacy live on through this fund and the impacts it is creating by supporting nonprofits working to make a difference in Worth County communities,” said Terry Gaumer, affiliate charitable impact director with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa.
Grant recipient organization, project the grant will fund and grant amount is listed below by funding area.
Arts & Culture:
Community Betterment:
Education & Youth Development:
Human Service
Grants from the Jaspers Family Foundation Fund of Worth County with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa are available to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and government entities in Worth County. Grant selections are made in an effort to create a better quality of life for people in Worth County. The Worth County Community Foundation committee, consisting of local volunteers, reviews the applications from charitable organizations serving their community. More information about this grant opportunity can be found at
The establishment of the Jaspers Family Foundation Fund of Worth County with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa was made possible by the Jaspers Family. Maynard and Marjory Jaspers were long-time successful business owners in Worth County. They had three sons with no heirs. At his death, Donald Jaspers donated the proceeds from the combined estates of the Jaspers Family to provide charitable support for Worth County.