The Grundy County Community Foundation (GCCF) announced $119,599 in grant funding to 23 projects of organizations serving Grundy County as part of its 2020 grant cycle.
The grant decisions were determined prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on communities and nonprofits. Nonprofits receiving grants may choose to shift funding to general operating support in response to this public health and economic crisis. The Community Foundation will discuss decisions with nonprofits on a one-on-one basis.
“The Grundy County Community Foundation is proud to partner with these nonprofits who are making a difference in our local communities,” said Angie Martin, chair of the GCCF governing committee. “While the Community Foundation is not able to hold its annual award celebration at this time due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus, grant checks will be mailed and we look forward to seeing the impacts in Grundy County.”
Grant recipient organization, project the grant will fund, and grant amount are listed below by funding areas.
Art and Culture
Community Betterment
Human Service
Decisions on grant awards are determined by a local committee, which consists of volunteers from Grundy County. Committee members include: Deb Bausman, Brandy Bingman, Jessica Eilers, Jen Jensen, Angie Martin (chair), Jeanine Marts, Brandi Morris, Bob Watermiller and Mike Williams.
Grants are awarded through Grundy County Community Foundation’s competitive grant process to projects in the program areas of: art and culture, community betterment, education, environment, health, historic preservation and human service. Grant applicants must be a 501(c)(3) designated organization or government entity serving Grundy County in order to be considered for funding. The 2021 grant cycle opens October 15, 2020 with an application deadline of December 31. The grant guidelines and application will be posted prior to the cycle opening at